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They say two heads are better than one, so financial advice from two people is twice as good, right? That’s what we think anyway.
We picked the seven best blogs run by couples — check out their sites and learn a thing or two!

James and Miel have been blogging about finance for the past eight years, serving as a resource for both singles and other couples learning how to manage their finances. Having a dual income and no kids (DINKs), these two provide some great insight into how to make your money work for you.
Social Clout: 8,515+ Twitter followers
Twitter: @dinks_finance
URL: dinksfinance.com

Kirby and Angela’s goal is to live life with the resources they have today and teach their readers to do the same. They offer perspective on what it means to be financially secure, as well as tips on how to get there. From insurance to retirement, they have words of wisdom for you.
Social Clout: 280+ Facebook likes, 885+ Twitter followers
Twitter: @simplemoneyblog
URL: thesimplemoneyblog.com

Crystal and her husband were both raised by financially-savvy parents, so they’ve grown up knowing how to effectively handle money. The blog using examples from their own lives to help educate visitors. These two definitely know how to maintain a budget and have a good time – they’ll teach you how to, too!
Social Clout: 1,100+ Facebook likes, 3,240+ Twitter followers
Twitter: @bitfs
URL: budgetinginthefunstuff.com

Living on one income is hard, especially when you’re choosing to live debt free. Dana and her husband write about how they do it by explaining ways to save money and sharing their favorite coupons and recipes. They do a great job teaching visitors how to live like them — debt free.
Social Clout: 5,215+ Twitter followers
Twitter: @NotMadeOfMoney
URL: notmadeofmoney.com

Steve and Jen were victims of complacency, hating their jobs and not doing anything with their lives. Now they own their own online business called Bumblebee Linens and are happier than ever. They share their lives and teach you how to work with money, even offering advice on starting an online business!
Social Clout: 3,735+ Facebook likes, 3,225+ Twitter followers
Twitter: @mywifequit
URL: mywifequitherjob.com

Living a big life on a small budget is what Eric and Erika are all about. While they started their marriage with a lot of debt, their blog chronicles their journey through it. Now they’re working on saving and having fun. If you want to learn how to work hard and play harder, they’re the ones to teach you.
Social Clout: 885+ Facebook likes, 1,385+ Twitter followers
Twitter: @NewlywedsBudget
URL: newlywedsonabudget.com

They can’t teach you a whole lot about cows, but they definitely have plenty of knowledge when it comes to saving money. Jacob and Vanessa share the story of their journey to a more fulfilling, financially free life, offering tips and tricks while asking for your input along the way. They’ll teach you how to cut spending and be happier doing it.
Social Clout: 5,520+ Facebook likes, 6,200+ Twitter followers
Twitter: @CashCowCouple
URL: cashcowcouple.com
Photo sources: twitter.com, facebook.com, okmalta.com, cashcowcouple.com