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3 min reading time
Our 20s are often filled with a lot of firsts, whether it be a first apartment or a first job. But what about your first experience with finances?
Our 10 Best Finance Blogs for Young Professionals know it’s never too early to start planning for your financial future.
Bragging Rights: get a head start on your freedom
G.E. Miller went from zero savings and significant debt after college to being able to put aside 85 percent of his income into savings within a few years. His site shares his process and insights for young people just starting out with their finances. He covers every aspect of living a responsible, engaged and frugal lifestyle and breaks down budgeting.
Social Clout: 2,436+ likes, 2,136+ followers
URL: http://20somethingfinance.com/
Bragging Rights: make more, save more and live better
Young Adult Money is a personal finance blog focused on helping those in their 20s and 30s. Written by David Carlson and Catherine Alford, topics cover real estate, careers, earning power, cutting expenses, travel and more. Content is specifically relevant to young adults, with posts like “6 Mistakes You Made at Your Last Job Interview.”
Social Clout: 3,423+ followers, 2,286+ likes
URL: http://www.youngadultmoney.com/
Bragging Rights: career advice from the muse
As seen in Forbes and TechCrunch, The Daily Muse brings a thoughtful voice to their main topic: career advice. Their focus is on improving everything about the way people look for jobs and grow once in them. The blog also engages entrepreneurs and brings in outside voices for objectivity and integrity. Content is unique and personal, like “How I Paid Off My Loans: 3 Crazy-but-True Stories.”
Social Clout: 25,838+ followers, 13,000+ likes
URL: http://www.thedailymuse.com/
Bragging Rights: living cheap to make dreams a reality
As featured in The Boston Globe, the Young Cheap Living blog comes from a 29-year-old who rebuilt himself from living paycheck to paycheck. He shares the formula that helped him eliminate waste, invest wisely and plan for the future. The site includes an active forum for users to share and seek advice and a full archive covering careers, a savings strategy and planning financial freedom.
Social Clout: 884+ followers, 176+ likes
URL: http://www.youngcheapliving.com/
Bragging Rights: entertaining personal finance
Kevin McKee’s engaging blog is drawn around those just beginning to shape their personal finances. McKee, 26, brings a lighthearted and positive approach, with useful topics like “How to Turn In a Leased Car” and “40 Days of Eating In.” Videos featuring McGee as he walks users through his process are available, along with a helpful repository of downloadable finance tools.
Social Clout: 1,577+ followers, 336+ likes
URL: http://www.thousandaire.com/
Bragging Rights: join the movement
Jeff Rose’s blog is headquarters of the Debt Squad, The Debt Movement’s team of dedicated professionals determined to help users eliminate the D-word. Partnered with Good Financial Cents and Ready For Zero, the site’s forums and resource tools bring a youthful professionalism to the subject matter.
Social Clout: 3,199+ followers, 1,241+ likes
URL: http://debtmovement.com/
Bragging Rights: bringing personal finance and cartoons
Punch Debt in the Face comes from an anonymous blogger and mysterious former BMX champion who now shares his tips for greater money management. With a sense of humor and an energetic spirit, the blog tackles the ins and outs of debt consolidation and budgeting. The site promises an authentic and personal experience for readers, which it lives up to!
Social Clout: 3,376+ followers, 568+ likes
URL: http://www.punchdebtintheface.com/
Bragging Rights: fit. fashionable. fabulous.
Frugal Beautiful is a vibrant and friendly site specifically aimed at early finances. Author Shannyn shares her frugal basics and debt secrets and provides sections on frugal travel and planning for financial freedom. As a social media manager, she’s built a business around understanding how people use the Web and why.
Social Clout: 8,175+ followers, 3,741+ likes
URL: http://frugalbeautiful.com/
Bragging Rights: budget, invest and achieve success.
Fresh from college and kicking off a new business, LaTisha started her personal finance blog in 2009 to chart her challenges with starting out in the professional world. Since then, the blog has grown to an impressive archive, all aimed at helping young people exorcise their financial demons. Also blogging is Jonathan, a 20-something who chronicles his efforts to achieve debt-free status.
Social Clout: 1,722+ followers, 613+ likes
URL: http://youngadultfinances.com/
Bragging rights: do more with your money in half the time
Philip Taylor, blogger, father and entrepreneur, shares his wisdom on PT Money. Created in 2007, the site’s two recurring themes are saving money and spending wisely. With guidance for everything from setting up online savings accounts to finding a personal stock broker, it brings a nuisance and no-nonsense style to important topics.
Social Clout: 7,420+ followers, 2,986+ likes
URL: http://ptmoney.com/
Featured photo source: careerealism.com.