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Building a nest egg is an important priority for couples, along with home ownership and investing for retirement.
There’s a lot of the noise out there on the subject, but these five sites were selected for pinpointing helpful content that can drive real-life changes.

Bragging Rights: from debt to having more than a $1 million
The serious site with the funny name, Dinks brings hard-hitting insight and practical resources for building wealth and protecting your investments. With good spirits and a warm nature, the couple helps decode complicated processes, whether tracking a 401(k) or itemizing daily spending. Extra income streams also are explored.
Social Clout: 8,474+ followers, 107+ likes
URL: http://www.dinksfinance.com/

Bragging Rights: building financial freedom together
Developing a game plan is one of the first steps advised by Elle, blog host at Couple Money. The site encourages building finances together and learning to live on one income while having some fun with the other. Couple Money is about family first and ways better finances can help strengthen it.
Social Clout: 4,133+ followers, 659+ likes
URL: http://couplemoney.com/

Bragging Rights: living a big life on a small budget
Newlyweds On a Budget is a fantastic site, especially for young couples, and it has lively material built around enjoying life on a budget while finding ways to cut your standard costs. From vacations to mystery shoppers, hosts Eric and Erika look at major planning and new sources of revenue. Posts offer tight, easy-to-follow steps along with detailed explanations.
Social Clout: 1,342+ followers, 789+ likes
URL: http://www.newlywedsonabudget.com/

Bragging Rights: a couple’s perspective on financial security
The Simple Money Blog offers a young married couple’s take on getting a grip on your financial security. Their posts deal with smart planning and understanding the entire financial playing field. They encourage feedback from readers and finding your own financial faith, which is a series related to sticking to the true plan. This is truly a thorough and funny site.
Social Clout: 781+ followers, 284+ likes
URL: http://thesimplemoneyblog.com/

Bragging Rights: financial literacy for couples
Money and Your Honey tells the story of two entrepreneurs in love who actually met in a bank. They pour their passion for helping others build security through smarter investments and those day-to-day purchases. Posts like “Women Are From Visa, Men Are From MasterCard” bring levity to serious and sometimes dry subject matters.
URL: http://moneyandyourhoney.com/
Photo source: behmfinance.com