Emergency financial situations always seem to come at the worst times. And for those with bad credit, the stress of getting a personal loan to make ends meet can be severe. Unfortunately, dealing with poor credit is a more pervasive problem than some might expect. According to the Corporation for Enterprise Development (CFED), 51% of Americans have credit rankings that dip below the subprime range.
What’s more, having no credit history can be as much a hindrance as having bad credit. The CFED also reported, “26 million U.S. adults were credit invisible…[and] an additional 19 million adults were unscorable.” Never having created a history with the credit reporting agencies or having a low credit score usually works to disqualify a consumer from opening lines of credit — a seemingly paradoxical problem to have.
However, a poor credit score or a short credit history doesn’t mean there are no options available. It’s just a matter of knowing what resources are out there. Bad Credit Loans offers a simple and convenient way for these millions of Americans to have access to the funds they need. Whether it be for personal, business, credit card, mortgage, or auto loans, Bad Credit Loans connects consumers with a network of reputable lenders. Built around a mission of responsible lending and consumer advocacy, the site is a storehouse of resources for those in financial need.
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