The decision to file for bankruptcy is not an easy one to make. Many fear they will lose their most prized possessions, like their vehicle, their home, and all of the furniture inside of it, too. This is a common but incorrect assumption — the only thing you have to lose is your debt — and everything to gain. can help you eliminate credit card debt, medical bills, and debt collector harassment, while leaving you with your home, your car, and a fresh start.
“Too many people continue to struggle with debt because they have misconceptions about bankruptcy. They’ve heard that they’ll lose their property if they file for bankruptcy, or that they’ll never be able to buy a home after bankruptcy. The truth is that most people who file bankruptcy keep all of their property. Many people who have filed for bankruptcy are able to use that fresh start to build better credit than they’ve had in years, and to finance homes just two or three years after discharge,” says the site, and advises you not to let bankruptcy myths stand in your way.
All you need to do to get started is provide your ZIP code to find an attorney near you who has previously consented to provide help. Together, you can determine if bankruptcy is your best option. All consultations are free, and there’s never an obligation to sign up for legal services.
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