The Wealth Wise Scholarship is open to US undergraduate and graduate students seeking a career in the finance industry.
The scholarship amount is $1,000 and will be awarded based on academic merit and submission of a short essay to be titled How the US Credit Scoring System Can Be Improved.
To qualify for this scholarship, applicants must meet the following requirements:
- Minimum GPA of 3.5
- Major of study must support a career in the finance industry (e.g., finance, business, accounting, mathematics, management, and other related majors)
- Must be a US resident
- Must send in an official, signed transcript
- Must be a current or future college student (e.g., high school senior)
- Scholarship must go to tuition purposes (will be paid directly to the university/college)
- Complete an essay for submission (see essay guidelines below)
- Include contact information with the essay so we can get in touch with winners
Important Deadlines
Please note the following deadlines:
- Due Date: December 31 annually
- Announced: January 31 annually
- Awarded: January 31 annually
Essay Guidelines
Please adhere to the essay guidelines below:
- Essay Topic/Title: How the US Credit Scoring System Can Be Improved. This essay will explore current issues in today’s credit landscape and various ways to offset the negative implications that affect many Americans’ ability to access capital.
- The essay should be 500-900 words.
- Any resources should be carefully noted and cited appropriately using the MLA format.
- Any plagiarism or fabrication will disqualify the applicant from award disbursement.
- The essay should be written in 12-point font, Times New Roman, double-spaced, 1-inch margins.
How to Apply
To apply, please mail your official transcript and original essay to the following address:
Attn: Wealth Wise Scholarship
602 S. Main Street
Gainesville, FL 32601
Please don’t send packaging that requires a signature to be accepted by the recipient. If you have further questions about the Wealth Wise Scholarship, please submit your inquiry via our online contact form.
Emailed essays will not be accepted.
Scholarship Winners
We’re happy to announce Chloe E. of University of Houston is 2024’s Wealth Wise Scholarship winner! Chloe wrote an essay highlighting some of the flaws in credit bureaus‘ current scoring models that are holding back younger consumers. Congratulations, Chloe!