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Mom is the money manager of the house. She keeps an eye on the cash flow, cuts the unnecessary expenditures and gathers the opinions of the household on the quality of goods and services being provided. On top of all the other stuff moms are responsible for, this can be overwhelming.
Fortunately there are wonderful blogs out there – these 10 in particular – to teach moms about finance. They’ll teach you the ins and outs of money management, including everything from saving at the store to working from home.
These folks understand what moms need to know about money, and they’ll have you turned into a money manager extraordinaire in no time!

This mommy knows what it means to get more bang for your buck! Janessa posts all sorts of product reviews for family-friendly products, travel destinations and services so you know where you should be spending your money. She also hosts countless giveaways, getting you the things you want for free. Her blog has recipes, crafts and DIY projects to help you save even more.
Social Clout: 63,145+ Facebook likes; 24,505+ Twitter followers
Twitter Handle: @thriftyniftymom
URL: http://thriftyniftymommy.com/

Crystal Paine’s mother taught her how to get the most bang for her buck, and now she shares her own tips and tricks through her blog. Clipping coupons, bargain shopping and pinching pennies are easier than ever with her sage advice. From menu planning to saving thousands, she’ll show you how to live your life simply and happily by becoming a money saving mom yourself.
Social Clout: 682,570+ Facebook likes; 114,695+ Twitter followers
Twitter Handle: @moneysavingmom
URL: http://moneysavingmom.com/

There is nowhere else on the Web that is dedicated to professional, single moms – Emma Johnson’s website is it. She understands more women than ever before are parenting alone, so she has created a forum for information and inspiration on how to tackle your financial situation without a partner. She offers advice on everything from freelance work to financial independence.
Social Clout: 13,495+ Twitter followers; 1,685+ Facebook likes
Twitter Handle: @JohnsonEmma
URL: http://www.wealthysinglemommy.com

Maintaining your sanity while juggling jobs and family can sometimes seem impossible, but the women at Work It, Mom! will remind you it’s not. They’re a community of working moms who share their experiences, advice and support on all things mom – especially money management. Learn to save money on family vacations, beauty products and school supplies from other moms just like you.
Social Clout: 7,580+ Twitter followers; 1,175+ Facebook likes
Twitter Handle: @work_it_mom
URL: http://www.workitmom.com/

Candace, a fellow frugal mom, learned her biggest money-saving tricks when her husband switched careers, and now she’s sharing them with you. She’ll teach you different ways to save money, like once a month cooking and yard saling, as well as how to make money from home. It’s a one-stop website for fulfilling all your mom duties, leaving you with more time and more money.
Social Clout: 2,800+ Facebook likes
URL: http://www.frugalmom.net/

Learn to manage your money, moods and “momdom” from Samantha Gregory. She has chronicled her journey toward financial freedom as a single mom, starting off poor and reaching financial stability. Learn how to save money with coupons, how to afford an expensive summer camp, how to many money on online surveys and so much more. With a little bit of gumption, you too can be a rich, single momma.
Social Clout: 2,220+ Twitter followers; 1,150+ Facebook likes
Twitter Handle: @richsinglemomma
URL: http://richsinglemomma.com/

Mavis Butterfield is a mom on a mission. This gardening gal can teach you a thing or two about saving money, whether that’s by clipping coupons, growing your own food, cooking up one of her thrifty recipes or any of her other tricks. Her “Frugal Living” category will show you ways to rake in the savings in all parts of your life. One hundred dollars a month won’t seem impossible anymore!
Social Clout: 33,805+ Facebook likes; 1,320+ Twitter followers
Twitter Handle: @Mavis100Dollars
URL: http://www.onehundreddollarsamonth.com/

Financial literacy for everyone is what they’re trying to teach with Practical Money Skills for Life – that includes moms. They talk about different apps (like the Tooth Fairy Calculator), personal finance resources and different money games to make finance fun. Get the whole family in on budgeting and saving by making it interesting – that’s a lot of birds with one stone, Mom!
Social Clout: 22,605+ Facebook likes; 8,740+ Twitter followers
Twitter Handle: @PracticalMoney
URL: http://www.practicalmoneyskills.com/

A former elementary school teacher turned stay-at-home mama, Marisa writes about her family’s adventures to live well and spend less. She shares great steals, as well as posts product reviews. She offers coupons, recipes and giveaways to ensure you really are getting the deals out there. She’ll show you one income is more than enough for what you and your family need.
Social Clout: 18,830+ Facebook likes; 10,270+ Twitter followers
Twitter Handle: @pennywisemama
URL: http://thepennywisemama.com/

This “frugalista,” Penny, supports her family with a minimum-wage salary. In a high cost of living area, this means she has to be pretty frugal. She shares her journey in cutting back expenses and posts different money-saving strategies. It doesn’t matter if you’re looking for save a few bucks every day or a lot of dough at once, she has some tried and true advice for you.
Social Clout: 5,385+ Facebook likes; 960+ Twitter followers
Twitter Handle: @pennilessparent
URL: http://www.pennilessparenting.com/
Photo sources: twitter.com, facebook.com, moneystoop.com, wealthysinglemommy.com