10 Best British Personal Finance Blogs of 2014

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10 Best British Personal Finance Blogs of 2014

The UK has given us some of our favorite things: James Bond, the Magna Carta, Shakespeare, and some of the world’s best tea.

It turns out that they’re savvy with their money, as well. These 10 finance bloggers use their knowledge of pounds and pence to save you dollars and cents.


Brought to you by Martin Lewis, MSE is the U.K.’s biggest consumer website, helping more than 13 million people each month fight debt, cut bills and save money. By refusing any kind of advertising, you can rest assured the deals and ideas you find here are truly the best of the best. You can feel empowered about finances and put more money in your pocket with their expert advice.

Social Clout: 156,035+ Twitter followers; 52,403+ Facebook likes

Twitter Handle: @MoneySavingExp

URL: http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/

Money Bulldog
Money Bulldog

Taking a bite out of personal finance has never been so easy! Adam started this site as a way to share his knowledge and make people more financially aware. His background in the mortgage market and his need to keep a tight wallet will provide you with tips and tricks for handling your money. Find financial freedom and reach your goals with this bulldog by your side – talk about man’s best friend!

Social Clout: 4,750+ Twitter followers; 860+ Facebook likes

Twitter Handle: @MoneyBulldogUK

URL: http://moneybulldog.co.uk/

The Money Principle
The Money Principle

Maria Nedeva is a professor in the U.K., and she shows you how to think and laugh about personal finance. She uses her own experiences and analysis to make financial lessons fun and engaging. Her succint writing shows you how to find simple solutions to your money predicaments.

Social Clout: 1,035+ Twitter followers; 535+ Facebook likes

Twitter Handle: @moneyprinciple

Miss Thrifty
Miss Thrifty

Miss Thrifty (Karyn Louise) is a woman who loves labels but has a craving for savings. Her posts cover all sorts of money issues, from concerns about holiday spending to the best fashion thrifts. She’ll show you how to spend less, live within your means and get out of debt while still enjoying the good things in life.

Social Clout: 5,505+ Twitter followers; 2,890+ Facebook likes

Twitter Handle: @Miss_Thrifty

URL: http://www.miss-thrifty.co.uk/

You Could Save
You Could Save

If you’re looking for a site that compiles money saving advice for all areas of your life, here it is. You Could Save offers easy tips for keeping things frugal in business, leisure and life. The site is composed of manageable categories that help you find the specific information you’re looking for, and the articles are easy to follow, answering any money question you might have – there’s always a way you could save!

Social Clout: 1,730+ Twitter followers; 1,130+ Facebook likes

Twitter Handle: @YouCouldSave

URL: http://www.youcouldsave.co.uk/

Money Superstar
Money Superstar

Brothers Pete and Dave aren’t financial experts – they’re money superstars. Previously inept when it came to managing money, they now share advice, guidance and their experiences with fighting debt, making money and behaving thriftily. It’s not easy to turn your finances around, but the goal is simply to get better with financial management with what you learn along the way.

Social Clout: 245+ Twitter followers; 65+ Facebook likes

Twitter Handle: @moneysuperstar

URL: http://moneysuperstar.co.uk/

Skint in the City
Skint in the City

Are you living on a budget tighter than a pair of skinny jeans? That doesn’t mean you also can’t be living the high life. This blog chronicles the author’s adventures in living fabulously and fashionably with a credit-crunch salary. If you want to buy high-end names with low-end funds, you’ll find the stories of how and how not to do it right here. Being skint has never looked so good.

Social Clout: 245+ Facebook likes; 950+ Twitter followers

Twitter Handle: @SkintintheCity

URL: http://skintinthecity.com/

The Money Advice Service
The Money Advice Service

The Money Advice Service offers free and impartial insight into money management. They simply want to help folks make the most of their money in a way that works best for them. With their efforts to improve people’s understanding of money and their knowledge of financial matters, they’re leading the U.K. strategy for financial capability. You can bank on them to make things better.

Social Clout: 36,115+ Facebook likes; 30,550+ Twitter followers

Twitter Handle: @YourMoneyAdvice

URL: https://www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk/en

A Thrifty Mrs.
A Thrifty Mrs.

This blogging lady is not your typical thrifter – she’s a super-saver. She posts all sorts of thrifty tips to lessen your spending and grow your experiences. Every day she shares different guides, freebies and sales to keep both you and your bank account pleased. Far from boring, our superhero will save you more money than you thought possible.

Social Clout: 13,380+ Twitter followers

Twitter Handle: @athriftymrsuk

URL: http://www.athriftymrs.com/

Frugal Queen
Frugal Queen

Thousands of pounds of debt inspired Jane Batt to make some major monetary changes in her life. Now known as the frugal queen, she shares those lessons through her blog. Whether you watch her webinars or follow her tutorials, you’ll learn a thing or two about managing your money and cutting your spending. Batt shows you how to save your finances and enrich your life.

Social Clout: 1,385+ Facebook likes; 2,335+ Twitter followers

Twitter Handle: @queen_frugal

URL: http://www.frugalqueen.co.uk/

Photo sources: facebook.com, twitter.com, theguardian.com