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3 min reading time
When you have bad credit, all you can think about is becoming free of any and all debt.
Whether they’ve gotten rid of their debt completely or are quickly on their way to financial freedom, the experts from our 10 Best Debt-Free Blogs are here to support you on your own journey.
Bragging Rights: a personal finance blog for regular folks
Taxes, debt and the nightmare of credit cards are at the heart of Glen Craig’s site, where reasoned logic is used to fight poor money management. Topics like “5 Financial Considerations Before You Quit Your Job to Be Your Own Boss” confront real-life experiences and their implications. This is a great site for learning the ropes with detailed explanations.
Social Clout: 6,444+ followers, 1,247+likes
URL: http://freefrombroke.com/
Bragging Rights: a journey to financial independence
Beating Broke approaches money management from the basics, creating wealth, smart borrowing (when necessary) and controlling your credit. Debt advice is offered, along with frugal tips for better holidays and ways to entertain for less. Topics include “How I Save More Than Money By Cutting the Cable” and unique budgeting tips.
Social Clout: 4,018+ followers, 1,296+ likes
URL: http://www.beatingbroke.com/
Bragging Rights: living a royal life on less
The author of The Debt Princess began her blog while at rock bottom, building her way to debt-free living while raising a growing family. Her sections include What Not To Do, Lessons Learned and Frugal Eating. Ways to find budget-friendly fun are explored, along with wise warnings for those unexpected expenditures.
Social Clout: 2,244+ followers, 802+ likes
URL: http://www.thedebtprincess.com/
Bragging Rights: the pants-free guide to thriving
This husband and father of three shares his techniques for erasing debt and building security on Live Real, Now. Learning to maximize extra earnings and budget in the good stuff are explored in depth. Topics offer specific tools like “7 Benefits of Investing Internationally” and “Six Month Tour of Banking for Grown-Ups.” Bonus: Lively discussion is offered throughout.
Social Clout: 1,460+ followers, 671+likes
URL: http://liverealnow.net/
Bragging Rights: changing the world one penny at a time
Ginna’s site is filled with the philosophy “You don’t have to be rich to have a rich life.” She kicked off the site in early 2009 and has since eliminated her debt. Now she helps others with financial and lifestyle planning, with posts like “Big Money Dreams” and “Life is Like a Game of Chutes and Ladders.”
Social Clout: 1,186+ followers, 217+ likes
URL: http://myprettypennies.com/
Bragging Rights: a debt-free life
Adam and Emily are the voices behind Blogging Away Debt, where they chart everything from their credit line to insurance coverage. Their form of money management is all inclusive, tracking every expense and evaluating it. Student loans and credit card direction make up a lot of the content, along with improving general financing strategies.
Social Clout: 409+ likes
URL: http://www.bloggingawaydebt.com/
Bragging Rights: eliminating debt
The author is now actually well on her way to living without debt, tracking her car loan, credit cards and taxes to provide a real-time story. Her “12 Goals in 2012” helped see her total reduction hit nearly 90 percent, including the elimination of her credit card debt. Topics like “Changing Focus Can Be Hard” cover the ups and downs of being fiscal.
Social Clout: 171+ followers, 19+ likes
URL: http://headoverheelsindebt.blogspot.com/
Bragging Rights: it can be done!
This quirky site offers a can-do attitude and a wealth of money management tools. Blogger Carrie kicked it off in 2011 by tracking her every expense and looking for ways to reduce each. She shares her monthly menus and recipes aimed at cutting household costs. Frugal living is encouraged, with less expensive entertainment options explored.
URL: http://poortorichadayatatime.blogspot.com/
Bragging Rights: taking readers along
At Working for a Goal, Tanner tracks his expenses of living between two cities as he chips away at student loans and credit card debt. Issues of identity theft are examined, along with responsible goal planning and the benefits of honest budgeting.
URL: http://workingforagoal.blogspot.com/
Bragging Rights: getting the monkey off her back for good
This debt-free blog is authored by Little Lamb, a young professional digging her way out of debt with common-sense tactics and an unbeatable spirit. Breaking her effort down into Debt, Goals and Blessings, she offers clear guideposts for others to follow. Posts include “If I Were a Wealthy Girl” and “$lay the Mon$ter.”
URL: http://o2bdebtfree.blogspot.com/
Photo source: financialeconomyblog.com.