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The road to financial security is fraught with potholes and many blind spots. That’s why it never hurts to turn to the experts for a little guidance and sage wisdom.
These 10 Best Financial Journey Blogs provide users with the valuable tools and insight necessary for one of life’s most important challenges.

Bragging Rights: when life gives you lemons…
Add Vodka advises you to try adding vodka whenever life’s opportunities arrive. This creative and witty blog comes from “one of the few finance bloggers that started blogging with no debt.” Her focus is less on frugality and budgeting and more on understanding how to make your money grow by understanding the system.
Social Clout: 1,550+ followers, 1,263+ likes
URL: http://add-vodka.com/

Bragging Rights: moving toward debt freedom
For six years, the host of The Quest to Be Financially Abundant has been blogging about finances while consistently eliminating college loans and other debt. With topics like “Handling My Business” and “Priorities, Life and the Path,” readers can get a real sense of controlling spending, scheduling a financial timeline and planning for the golden years.
URL: http://www.thequesttobe.com/

Bragging Rights: a 20/20 financial vision
Kim’s Eyes on the Dollar blog tracks a familiar path of a young couple starting out with little and learning to corral their expenses while building a life together. From eliminating debt to consolidating it, all of the best tools and advice are on hand to get a firm grip on building a long-term nest egg with confidence.
Social Clout: 3,224+ followers, 2,114+ likes
URL: http://eyesonthedollar.com/

Bragging Rights: thoughts on life and money
Since 2007, the webmaster of Little Miss Moneybags has built an impressive archive of financial insight. The advice often comes from real-world issues facing the blogger, such as “The Furnace Breakdown” and “Bad Luck Moneybags.” Much of the content is highly relatable, with useful guidance on how to dig your way out of whatever trouble pops up.
URL: http://www.littlemissmoneybags.com/

Bragging Rights: becoming debt-free by 40
At My Money Story, the blogger suggests that readers create clear boundaries on spending, such as spending $12 per day on food. The idea is to have limits in place most of the time so when you do splurge, it’s more affordable. The tone is light and friendly with great attention to the technical specifics involved.
URL: http://mymoneystory.blogspot.com/

Bragging Rights: personal finance observations
My Personal Finance Journey offers a truly unique look at one family building their way to wealth. With the goal of having a $3 million net worth by 2020, they track their monthly growth. Readers are encouraged to follow the ups and downs as they cover everything from maximizing salary to understanding investments better.
URL: http://www.pfblog.com/

Bragging Rights: putting the “go” in goals
Leigh is in her 20s and working in high tech, but along the way, she blogs about growing wealth and increasing earning potential. The advice ranges from dealing with large investments to canceling cable TV for cheaper options. It’s not about living frugally. It’s about understanding the true value of things.
URL: http://leightpf.wordpress.com/

Bragging Rights: living a more fulfilling life
When not cooking or bicycling, this Gen Y Finance Journey blogger likes to share his views on building and sustaining genuine wealth. There’s a tag for all things financial, from dividend income to maintaining motivation. The content is drawn around the concerns and spending patterns of Generation Y, although the advice is useful at any age.
Social Clout: 588+ followers
URL: http://genyfinancejourney.com/

Bragging Rights: rounding the corner to the finish line
As their nest egg grows to a planned $3 million by the time they reach 30, the blogger at My Financial Journey looks at big-ticket items, such as high yield savings and estate planning. There is also a good bit of information on living frugally but practically and a month-to-month breakdown of the progress. My Financial Journey is an inspiring site with tons of content.
URL: http://myfinancialjourney.com/

Bragging Rights: achieve early financial independence
Understanding that money management is a marathon and not a short race, My Financial Independence Journey excels at providing a clear breakdown of all the major markers. The blog takes a news approach, reporting effectively on changes to the markets and how new regulations may impact your bottom line.
Social Clout: 103+ followers, 22+ likes
URL: http://myfijourney.com/
Photo source: journeytomillions.com.