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Finance doesn’t always have to be about confusing numbers and boring stats. Finance can also be fun!
Our 10 Best Fun Finance Blogs make handling finances enjoyable and easy.

Bragging Rights: making money make sense
This funny and helpful blog from Gail Vaz-Oxlade takes a unique look at personal responsibilities and how to approach them honestly and optimistically. Content like “De-Ostrichsize” examines how people overlook true debt, thereby missing valuable saving opportunities. The site also comes with advice for money-smart kids and those who mistakenly think it’s too late to turn things around.
Social Clout: 22,546+ followers, 15,724+ likes
URL: http://gailvazoxlade.com/blog/

Bragging Rights: making ‘cents’ of your financial life
Good Financial Cents comes from Jeff Rose, a financial analyst and Iraqi war veteran who formed the Alliance Investment Planning Group in 2007. With Good Financial Cents, he brings his real-world experience of advising companies and CEOs on better managing their cash flow. Video podcasts are part of his program, with a friendly and detailed approach to saving and investing.
Social Clout: 9,216+ followers, 4,575+ likes
URL: goodfinancialcents.com

Bragging Rights: love your financial life
From Jackie Beck, the personal finance writer behind the mobile app Pay Off Debt, comes this fun look at tackling debt and building for a better future. Her posts focus largely on goals, entrepreneurship or personal finance, including content like “They Did What? 7 Secrets to Staying Motivated.”
Social Clout: 5,925+ followers, 468+ likes
URL: http://www.moneycrush.com/

Bragging Rights: six-figure income working four days a week
Making an impressive salary while working less is the spirit behind The Financial Blogger, where author Mike is achieving that exact dream. His content focuses on how to make this happen in your own life and understanding the actual tools to make these strategies work, including “How to Become a Financial Planner.”
Social Clout: 3,620+ followers, 185+ likes
URL: http://www.thefinancialblogger.com/

Bragging Rights: taking the next financial step
Texas-based Crystal is the brainchild at Budgeting in the Fun Stuff, where she shares her story of balancing two mortgages and a growing family. As an early and successful blogger, she’s helped many upstarts realize better online profits while spreading their message. She offers advice for maintaining a budget in high-cost areas and in-depth coverage of the Financial Blogger Conference 2013.
Social Clout: 3,002+ followers, 1,078+ likes
URL: http://www.budgetinginthefunstuff.com/

Bragging Rights: personal finance with a bark
Money Beagle is certainly a blog all about the bark. Having eliminated all but his mortgage, the creator and computer tech tracks his efforts to erase debt and charts his retirement planning and diversity of investments. Topics offer detailed tips, such as “Why High Frequency Trading Always Wins.”
Social Clout: 2,380+ followers, 85+ likes
URL: http://www.moneybeagle.com/

Bragging Rights: the blog you want to read
Lance was a longtime reader of financial blogs and has now culled the best of several philosophies to find fiscal peace. As an accountant, he takes a hard-numbers approach to preparing for expenses and planning for the unexpected. He stresses the need to always be on the lookout for new ways to save more. Bonus tip: Remember to always get a receipt!
Social Clout: 2,183+ followers, 1,215+ likes
URL: http://www.moneylifeandmore.com/

Bragging Rights: join the uproar
Nelson Smith is the voice behind Financial Uproar, where he brings fresh insight on personal finance, investing and passive income, which he’s particularly passionate about. Articles like “The Importance of Holding for The Long Haul” and “Should You ‘Like’ Facebook Stock?” offer clear insights and advice for everyone.
Social Clout: 870+ followers, 69+likes
URL: http://financialuproar.com/

Bragging Rights: becoming financially independent
St. Louis suburbanite Michelle is the authoritative voice behind Diversified Finances and the well-known Making Sense of Cents, her program aimed at building personal wealth through determination and planning. Entrepreneurship and diversity are each key cornerstones at Diversified Finances, including tips for smaller businesses, bloggers and individual contractors alike.
Social Clout: 797+ followers
URL: http://diversifiedfinances.com/

Bragging Rights: tips to be a 1 percenter
This site’s clear goal is to help readers scale the financial peak and arrive at the top 1 percent. Sharing his own net worth progress, the author tracks different methods and styles based on their pros and cons. Topics include “The Daily Habits of Wealthy People” and “Recovering from Career Rejection, Abe Lincoln-style.”
Social Clout: 674+ followers, 50+ likes
URL: http://www.iam1percent.com/