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Looking to find financial freedom in the new year? We’ve compiled a list of the top personal finance blogs to go to for insight on income, investment and individual financial planning.
Whether you’re suffering from debt defeat, are excited about entrepreneurship or simply a single parent juggling grocery goals and babysitter bills, you can turn to these finance gurus for advice.

Mint is one of the most highly acclaimed apps for money management. With mobile and online capabilities, you can budget and pay your bills wherever you are. The MintLife blog covers all of your fiscal queries for every stage in life and, when used with their app, helps you truly master your personal finances.
Social Clout: 230,000,000+ Twitter followers; 175,760+ Facebook likes
Twitter: @mint

As a personal finance columnist, award-winning author and certified financial planner, it’s safe to say Liz Weston is as fiscally-savvy as it gets. She specializes in taking the finance industry’s most tedious topics and putting them in terms the average consumer can understand. She has been featured on The Today Show, NPR and Dr. Phil, so be sure to ask Liz Weston about your own financial conundrums.
Social Clout: 12,000+ Twitter followers; 28,210+ Facebook likes
Twitter: @lizweston
URL: asklizweston.com

Todd Tresidder gives you the tools to build a strong foundation of financial understanding. As an active investor who has been financially independent since the age of 35, he holds a wealth of knowledge concerning economics, strategic money management and entrepreneurship. With free educational resources, as well as courses and calculators, this financial mentor can guide you to reaching any and all of your monetary goals.
Social Clout: 1,720+ Twitter followers; 1,490+ Facebook likes
Twitter: @Financialmentor
URL: financialmentor.com

Bargaineering.com founder Jim Wang takes the most complex components of money matters and translates them into plain English. With rave reviews from The New York Times and Business Week, among other major publications, Bargaineering.com is a go-to source for personal finance. It’s updated twice daily, so be sure to check back frequently for more monetary guidance.
Social Clout: 8,540+Twitter followers; 2,740+ Facebook likes
Twitter: @bargainr
URL: bargaineering.com

With an interest in entrepreneurship that sparked at a young age, The Penny Hoarder founder Kyle Taylor seeks to help you make and save money. He has created a community where followers can discuss all aspects of personal finance. With a myriad of media appearances under his belt, The Penny Hoarder will surely empower you to earn, save and grow your money.
Social Clout: 26,100+ Twitter followers; 240,110+ Facebook likes
Twitter: @thepennyhoarder

Having experience with both student loan accumulation and swift payoff, Michelle Schroeder is no stranger to the dangers of debt. She is a financial blogger, entrepreneur and self-proclaimed money nerd. Join more than 20,000 fellow readers on her journey through the obstacles of budgeting, following your passion and conquering student loans so you too can reach your personal finance goals.
Social Clout: 9,280+ Twitter followers; 4,540+ Facebook likes
Twitter: @SenseOfCents
URL: makingsenseofcents.com

Melissa Garcia regularly keeps subscribers updated and informed on what’s new in personal finance. She has more than a decade of experience addressing the media on money matters. Featuring information about saving, shopping and self-help tips, ConsumerQueen.com is a one-stop shop for personal finance knowledge.
Social Clout: 27,400,000+ Twitter followers; 63,830+ Facebook likes
Twitter: @ConsumerQueen
URL: consumerqueen.com

The philosophy behind Pinyo Bhulipongsanon’s Moolanomy.com is simple: earn more, spend less, live better. Moolanomy is a personal finance online magazine that equips readers with educational resources to better understand money, wealth and how to run a successful business. Pinyo Bhulipongsanon has assembled a team of financial enthusiasts who are armed and ready to help you handle all of your investment, budgetary and entrepreneurial needs.
Social Clout: 8,340+ Twitter followers; 2,470+ Facebook likes
Twitter: @moolanomy
URL: .moolanomy.com

As a mother of four, Kelly Whalen considers herself a master of all messes, monetary and mommy-related. Her website offers all the tools you need to have your home and happy family — without losing your sanity. With shopping solutions, meal plan guides and more, Kelly Whalen’s Centsible Life is one worth living.
Social Clout: 13,200,000+ Twitter followers; 3,410+ Facebook likes
Twitter: @centsiblelife
URL: thecentsiblelife.com

One Cent at a Time is a personal finance blog focused on getting ahead with your investments, income and increasing your overall financial productivity. Founder “SB” shares his passion for finance and urges readers to join him on his quest for successful business financing. Tweaking the old “get rich quick” scheme, SB says financial success happens in its own time, one cent at a time — his wisdom can help you get there.
Social Clout: 6,900+ Twitter followers; 3,190+ Facebook likes
Twitter: @onlyonecent
URL: onecentatatime.com