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Planning for those golden years can be an uphill battle, with an uncertain market and less stable pensions.
Having said that, our 10 Best Finance Blogs for Retirement excel at breaking down the basics and help design a clear and considered game plan for when the day arrives.

Bragging Rights: grow and protect your financial future
Bank on Yourself comes from best-selling author Pamela Yellen. She launched the site in 2002, creating a massive resource devoted to perfecting a retirement plan. Using knowledge as the foundation, much of the posts help unravel a complicated world with some very high stakes. A team of advisers make up the team for broader retirement coverage.
Social Clout: 39,224+ followers, 5,422+ likes
URL: http://www.bankonyourself.com/

Bragging Rights: money and life on the way to retirement
Written for boomers by a boomer, Kay Lynn Akers is the friendly and comfortable host at Bucksome Boomer. Much of the content is built around responsible spending and diligent budgeting. Topics like “4 Reasons Family Vacations Should Be in Your Budget” emphasize enjoying pre-retirement as well.
Social Clout: 4,199+ followers, 1,370+ likes
URL: http://www.bucksomeboomer.com/

Bragging Rights: a combo of simple living and self-reliance
From the idea that it’s easier to save smartly than to build sudden wealth, Early Retirement Extreme approaches strategic budgeting and a clear schedule for retirement goals. Topics like “The Art of Waiting” and “Don’t Wash Your Clothes Every Day” emphasize finding ways to cut costs without sacrificing your lifestyle.
Social Clout: 1,645+ likes, 2,513 followers
URL: http://earlyretirementextreme.com/

Bragging Rights: data-driven information
Wade D. Pfau, a Ph.D. and CFA professor of retirement income, brings an academic approach to seizing the day while saving for your future. His simple and clear wisdom is built about understanding the arena as well as the rules of the game. Topics are very detail-oriented and thoroughly sourced, so take your time browsing through the site.
Social Clout: 1,100+ followers
URL: http://wpfau.blogspot.com/

Bragging Rights: written for and by people over 50
At 50 Plus Finance, a married father of six shares his insights and boundless optimism with a specific bend toward slightly older users. As someone who admittedly “started late” himself, he offers Investments 101 for any newcomer. The best part? His bookshelf section reviews some of the latest titles on making money stretch and grow.
Social Clout: 366+ likes
URL: http://www.50plusfinance.com/

Bragging Rights: helping families get by
Midlife Finance quickly addresses the common challenges faced in this “critical stage of our financial journey.” The articles are written for those well-established and those looking to build a more solid footing. Concrete retirement planning and guidance is offered, with pieces like “Growing Your Side Gig Income” and “7 Lessons Learned from Bill Gates.”
Social Clout: 261+ followers, 146+ likes
URL: http://midlifefinance.com/

Bragging Rights: leading you to a satisfying life
Satisfying Retirement is a truthful blog with a considerable archive and a wealth of categorized topics, all conveniently related to wealth. The content stretches beyond the basics to cover everything from empty nests, to the newly changed health care policies. Our favorite article is “Don’t Do These 7 Things,” which helps readers avoid big retirement potholes.
Social Clout: 184+ likes
URL: http://satisfyingretirement.blogspot.com/

Bragging Rights: advice on everything financial
Jim Blankenship has more than 25 years of experience in financial planning and a solid track record of helping people schedule and achieve the type retirement they deserve. Through intensive study, Jim has become an expert in IRAs and other retirement plans, with much of the content aimed at traversing a confusing landscape with clearer goals.
Social Clout: 100+ likes
URL: http://financialducksinarow.com/

Bragging Rights: save more. invest smarter. retire sooner.
From the author of the “Do-It-Yourself Retirement” book series, Darrow Kirkpatrick provides a stylish and comprehensive resource on a myriad of topics at Can I Retire Yet? Money issues large and small are covered, with a personal approach related to real lives. Titles like “How We Sold Our House in 24 Hours” track Kirkpatrick’s own progress.
URL: http://www.caniretireyet.com/

Bragging Rights: for those getting a late start
Single mom Grace got a late start on retirement planning but has since tackled it with gusto. She decided to publish her ongoing education online, with guidance to some of the best resources available about investing, proper budgeting and making up for the lost time. GRACEful Retirement is a very relatable site for men and women just building their plan.
URL: http://gracefulretirement.blogspot.com/