In a Nutshell: Credit plays an important role in a consumer’s financial life. When your credit is in need of repair, it can affect your ability to access lending products at favorable rates. ASAP Credit Repair helps clients manage credit disputes, fix credit mistakes, and learn to build credit. The company provides financial education to steer clients toward financial literacy.
I count myself lucky to have never stepped in quicksand, but I once saw a film where a man wandered into a quicksand patch. Realizing his predicament, the man struggled to escape. But the more he tried to break free, the further he sank into the sand.
Soon enough, a passerby spotted the man and helped him back onto solid ground.
People with bad credit can feel like they’re in quicksand. Though they strive to improve their situation on their own, their progress is slow or nonexistent. Fortunately, credit repair companies know how to help people fix credit mistakes and improve their financial prospects.
ASAP Credit Repair offers consumers a straightforward approach to fix their credit. We spoke with Joe Mahlow, ASAP Credit Repair’s President, to learn more about the company’s innovative solutions.

Mahlow started ASAP Credit Repair in 2013 after working as a salesperson for a car dealership. During his time as a salesperson, he noticed that many people had credit issues that complicated their attempts to purchase a new car.
“When I left the dealership, I knew I wanted to do something creative that I was really passionate about,” Mahlow told us. “And deep down, I really wanted to help people. I’d had some experience with the credit repair process, and I saw room for improvement there.”
ASAP Credit Repair’s corporate offices are in Houston, and the company serves customers across the U.S.
In addition to helping consumers repair their credit, ASAP Credit Repair provides education on credit and finance topics so people can avoid mistakes that hinder their ability to effectively manage their money.
“We’ve noticed an uptick in repeat clients over the years, which has highlighted the need to address deeper financial habits,” Mahlow told us. “While we’re grateful for their trust, our goal is to help clients build sustainable credit and avoid falling back into bad habits. That’s why we’ve implemented a stronger focus on financial literacy and financial structure, ensuring our clients are equipped with the tools they need to maintain lasting financial health after credit repair.”
A Passionate Email Creates Opportunities
A top priority for new businesses is creating awareness of their products and services. Some businesses turn to traditional advertising to grab the attention of potential customers. But Mahlow employed a unique strategy when he began to raise awareness of ASAP Credit Repair.
He crafted an email detailing his time selling cars and how he desired to help people get approved for loans so they could secure the vehicles and homes they sought.
“The email really showed my passion for helping people repair their credit,” Mahlow told us. “I blasted it out to more than 600,000 email addresses, and my inbox was soon flooded with replies from people who wanted to send clients my way. And that’s kind of how I got started with catering to mortgage companies.”

Mahlow told us that people can have a negative opinion of the credit repair arena because some companies in the industry give poor advice to their clients. But ASAP Credit Repair representatives undergo an extensive training program before consulting with clients to ensure they’re equipped to help consumers achieve their credit goals.
ASAP Credit Repair also offers clients the opportunity to consult with attorneys. Mahlow said attorneys who partner with ASAP Credit Repair provide free information and advice to the company’s customers.
ASAP Credit Repair assists clients in disputing errors on their credit reports. Consumers can dispute errors on their own, but Mahlow told us many people aren’t familiar with the credit reporting laws that govern the process.
“It’s not just about identifying errors,” Mahlow told us. “You need to understand the legal grounds for disputing an account and determine why it must be investigated based on the law. Most importantly, people must clearly define the outcome they’re expecting — whether it’s correction, validation, or removal.”
Consultations Prepare Consumers for the Road Ahead
ASAP Credit Repair has helped many customers dispute issues on their credit reports. Mahlow told us the company owes its success in disputing credit report errors to its deep investigative work.
ASAP Credit Repair employs artificial intelligence to formulate custom disputes for clients. Mahlow told us artificial intelligence allows ASAP Credit Repair to regenerate information quickly and use it for multiple purposes.
Consumers may not be able to repair their credit overnight, but ASAP Credit Repair can fix a client’s credit issues in as little as two to four weeks.

“Not everyone can complete our services in the same amount of time, because each situation is different,” Mahlow told us. “But for people who only have a couple of collection issues they’re trying to fix, we can do that in two weeks at times. In a way, our letters force the data furnishers to act faster than the usual timeframe that each round of a credit dispute can take.”
Consumers who are on the fence about engaging with ASAP Credit Repair can schedule a free consultation with the company. ASAP Credit Repair gathers data about a consumer to understand their credit history prior to consulting with them. Mahlow told us that the company doesn’t guarantee specific outcomes, but it can determine during consultation sessions whether a consumer can benefit from the company’s services.
“After our consultation, we’re pretty transparent with our pricing,” Mahlow told us. “Once we’re able to review a consumer’s credit report, we’ll show them what they can expect to pay for our services. We don’t overcharge a customer for something that isn’t going to take us very long to work on.”
Education Helps Consumers Avoid Pitfalls
Consumers may struggle to maintain healthy credit when they don’t have a firm understanding of how their actions can affect their credit profile. Mahlow told us many people don’t know much about credit in general, so ASAP Credit Repair provides education to guide its customers to successful credit outcomes.
“We do a really good job of making sure that our clients understand where they are now and where they should want to be in the future,” Mahlow told us. “At the end of the day, we want to make sure that we’re helping our clients maximize their credit. We work with a lot of overachievers who want to get done with the process quickly, but our model lets people progress at their own pace.”
ASAP Credit Repair helps clients establish a budget that allows them to responsibly improve their credit and pay down debt.
The financial literacy skills ASAP Credit Repair helps clients build can last a lifetime. Mahlow told us people should view credit repair as another tool they can use to improve their financial lives.
Consumers who plan to start their own business one day or build wealth for their families through investing can benefit from taking steps to improve their credit today.
“I want to teach people financial skills in a way that makes sense to them,” Mahlow told us. “I’m really here to help people better their lives. Because financial stress is one of the biggest reasons for divorces and breakups, and those are the last things we want.”