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Taking a thrifty holiday doesn’t mean you have to limit yourself to sun bathing in your backyard.
Our 10 Best Blogs for Traveling on a Budget were selected for their passion and ability to help save you money, whether planning the family getaway or week-to-week business travel.

Bragging Rights: bold enough to go, cheap enough to save
The world is your sandbox at The Frugal Traveler, which is The New York Times’ official travel blog. Resident frugal traveler Seth Kugel circles the globe on a very tight budget and shows you how to do it too. His posts track his efforts to find cost-cutting measures for vacationers and business journeyers alike, with tips for expenditures large and small.
Social Clout: 377,186+ followers
URL: http://frugaltraveler.blogs.nytimes.com/

Bragging Rights: getting the most out of travel
Based in Australia, Brooke frequently jets off to parts unknown. Along the way, she collects the best in saving strategies – no matter the hemisphere. Advice is even broken down differently by gender in terms of packing and preferred sightseeing. Bonus: Photos help her adventures come alive.
Social Clout: 9,604+ followers, 2,457+ likes
URL: http://brookevstheworld.com/

Bragging Rights: a 30-something gal who’s been all over
One of Heather’s biggest passions is travel, so her smart and vibrant site pays close attention to the subject. Knowing it’s a luxury not everyone can afford, she focuses intently on locales and activities that bring trips to life without crippling the budget. We also love the pictures that track her globetrotting ways.
Social Clout: 1,207+ followers, 196+ likes
URL: http://theresnoplacelikeoz.com/

Bragging Rights: one girl’s journey off the map
Whether planning for a specific destination or looking for ways to save on travel in general, Girl Unwrapped expertly covers this particular beat. With posts like “7 Free Things to Do in L.A.” and “How I Traveled to 6 Countries in Europe in 6 Hours,” the author breaks down the mechanics of taking care of your travel budget.
Social Clout: 892+ followers, 162+ likes
URL: http://girlunmapped.com/

Bragging Rights: pay little, travel big
Thrifty Traveling is a growing site thick with on-topic material that aims to be succinct and current. Tips on avoiding new baggage fees at specific airlines is covered, along with precise ways to find savings in dozens of choice destinations worldwide. Whether domestic or international, professional or leisure, this spot is truly encyclopedic on frugal travel.
URL: http://thriftytraveling.com/

Bragging Rights: you can make your dreams come true
Simplified travel is encouraged at Move to Portugal, from packing light to not planning every detail of the trip. Follow the author’s galleries of her own travels along with ways she saved and great spots for stretching a dollar. As she says, minimalist living doesn’t a minimal life. It just means putting value where it truly belongs.
Social Clout: 242+ followers
URL: http://movetoportugal.org/

Bragging Rights: a life of marvels, miracles and mishaps
The Thrifty Travel Mama is all about getting out there for less. From controlling your travel itinerary to negotiating rental properties, she offers valuable insights for even the most seasoned traveler. There’s also advice for helping kids avoid jet lag. This is a fun site with endless useful tools.
Social Clout: 210+ followers, 71+ likes
URL: http://thriftytravelmama.wordpress.com/

Bragging Rights: tackling typical financial situations
Modest Money is a comprehensive site that covers all sides of money, but great content is specifically geared to saving when on the road. Articles include “How to Get the Most Travel for Your Buck” and “Managing Your Finances on Your Travels,” and tools for tracking savings and earning max points are easily accessible.
Social Clout: 25,305+ followers, 11,924+ likes
URL: http://www.modestmoney.com/

Bragging Rights: slicing through money’s mysteries
The Financial Samurai is hosted by a financial guru who never leaves money on the table. The author works to help examine each expenditure involved on every trip, with an eye toward splurging where it counts and finding savings at every stop. Our favorite part of the site is you can track how the author does it with monthly updates.
Social Clout: 6,345+ followers
URL: http://www.financialsamurai.com/

Bragging Rights: the quest for wealth and happiness
The host of NZ Muse says, “You can’t put a price on travel,” but she knows how you can trim some of the growing costs involved. Her blog encourages people to enrich their lives through seeing new places, but she points to huge savings along the way through proper planning and comparison shopping.
Social Clout: 1,425+ followers, 639+ likes
URL: http://nzmuse.com/
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