The Magzter™ Digital Newsstand Connects Readers with Resources for Career Advancement and Financial Improvement

Magzter Connects Readers To Career And Financial Resources

In a Nutshell: The act of reading — whether for education or self-improvement — is a predictor of success in life and finance. Magzter provides those who want to tap into knowledge with digital access to more than 11,500 magazines from around the world. Users can purchase individual issues, subscriptions, and even unlimited access to titles, viewable on nearly any digital device. This platform’s simplicity is enhanced by Magzter curating relevant content for users, ensuring that they’ll always be informed, no matter what their reading interests.

According to a study conducted at the University of Toronto, reading can enhance thoughtfulness and creative thinking. Another study, from researchers at Yale University, showed that reading for as little as 30 minutes per day improved critical thinking, concentration, and other cognitive abilities.

And author Tom Corley discovered that people with annual incomes of more than $160,000 and a net worth of $3.2 million or more regularly read print and digital news publications.

But successful people don’t just read for pleasure; they also read for self-improvement. Seeking out educational and career-oriented materials — particularly magazines — is one of the demographic’s secrets to success. But tracking down relevant articles and books, and buying subscriptions to several different publications can be expensive and time-consuming. Beyond that, magazines tend to take up a lot of space in the home, office, briefcase, or backpack.

Over the last two decades, digital technology has enhanced access to these materials. Readers can now quickly search for specific topics, find related articles, and read them on a mobile device. Magzter was founded to help those seeking to benefit from a vast library of magazines while staying on a budget.

Magzter logo and Co-Founder and President Vijay Radhakrishnan

Vijay Radhakrishnan co-founded Magzter after seeing his own digital publication rise in popularity.

Rather than charging publishers to upload content to its platform, Magzter’s digital newsstand model foregoes upfront fees in favor of revenue-sharing, making it more cost-effective. Magzter can offer users access to more than 11,500 magazines through its website and the Magzter app.

“We are happy that our service has reached users in 175-plus countries and offers content from publishers in 50 different countries. This is truly a global product,” said Magzter Co-Founder and President Vijay Radhakrishnan. “We are the largest digital newsstand in the world today.”

Radhakrishnan has a background in IT and magazine publishing, which afforded him the opportunity to experiment with publishing his own online magazine. Within six months of its launch, his magazine had amassed more than 100,000 downloads.

“That sparked a question: ‘What if a lot of magazine companies wanted to go digital?’” Radhakrishnan said. “My idea was to create a platform to sustain digital growth and supply content. The content business isn’t going to die and content is still king, as people always say.”

Subscription Plans Allow Users to Read a Little or a Lot

Magzter users can purchase individual magazine issues or subscribe to publications for three, six, or 12-month periods. The platform also offers subscription bundles that include multiple magazines sharing a common topic or theme. Users can read on up to five different devices and Magzter offers exclusive digital content like hypertext, video, audio, and interactive features.

Users can read issues they’ve purchased at any time, and the issues remain accessible even if they choose to discontinue their subscription to the magazine. To avoid missing an issue, members can enable Magzter’s auto-renewal option, which ensures their subscription doesn’t lapse.

Screenshot of Magzter Gold page

Magzter Gold gives users unlimited access to its digital library at a reasonable monthly rate.

If a user enables alerts, the platform notifies them — via email or push notifications — when a new issue becomes available. And if readers happen to miss an issue of their favorite magazine — or simply want to delve into the publication’s history — Magzter users can purchase back issues individually.

For users who want access to a world of variety, the company offers the unlimited Magzter Gold package for $9.99 per month. This grants access to 5,000-plus magazines and premium articles curated from best-selling magazines. Users can also download the magazines to read even without an internet connection. A Magzter Gold subscription can also be shared with up to four family members.

Magzter Gold carries no commitment; users can cancel the service at any time. The Magzter app also offers a 30-day Magzter Gold free trial period so they can see how well their reading habits stack up against such an extensive library.

Digital Access Benefits Readers, Publishers, and the Planet

Magzter hosts publications in more than 70 languages, but the platform does not translate any of its titles. Every magazine is published just as it is in its country of origin. It is checked for quality and appropriateness before going live on Magzter, but, other than that, all magazines are direct from the publishers.

Titles are divided into more than 40 categories, making it easy to browse offerings from broad areas of interest. Content comes from both large international publications and small-circulation magazines to which users may otherwise not have had access.

Screenshots of Magzter on tablet and smartphone

Users can read Magzter on a variety of different mobile devices, including tablets and smartphones.

For enhanced accessibility, Magzter also offers an ezRead feature for some publications and articles. This option adapts text and graphics to fit a particular device’s screen size and resolution. Supported materials are marked with a reading glasses logo. By tapping this symbol, the user can open the item in ezRead mode.

The benefits of digital publication and distribution aren’t limited to readers, though; the practice is also helping to preserve limited natural resources. In less than a decade of operation, Magzter has saved more than 200,000 trees from being harvested to print magazines.

It has also saved more than 20 million liters of oil and 350 million liters of water. Air pollution from the printing process has been reduced by 3 million kilos, and more than 56 million kilowatt hours of energy and 1 million cubic feet of landfill space have been saved thanks to Magzter’s digital model.

Financial Categories Bring a World’s Worth of News and Resources to Your Mobile Device

Since 2011, Magzter has saved publishers both time and money by providing a global platform for digital content distribution. It also allows publishers with limited resources to extend their reach and gain new readers. Readers benefit by gaining access to a world of reading material they can use to advance their educations, careers, and financial situations.

For readers seeking to advance their careers or improve their finances, Magzter offers more than 200 titles in its Investment and Business categories. There, readers can find publications with global, national, and regional focus. Some of the most popular outlets include Bloomberg Businessweek, Kiplinger’s, Entrepreneur, Forbes, Newsweek, Money, Fortune, and Inc.

Screenshots of Magzter offerings

Magzter curates magazines and content for users based on their interests.

Readers can find those well-known titles alongside a host of niche publications including Home Business, CEOMOM Magazine, Black EOE Journal, and CEO India, among others.

To help readers navigate the massive content database, each article is tagged with keywords. Users can search keywords of interest and Magzter can also deliver them keyword-related content.

“If you start following the keyword ‘finance,’ we process articles related to finance and add them to your account,” Radhakrishnan said. “We automatically curate it, and we do it based on your interests.”

Users can select topics and keywords as broad as the stock market or as specific as news about Apple stock. Then, they will receive relevant information on those topics from major publications, as well as new titles about which they may not have known.

Finding Relevant Content is Even Easier with Magzter 8.0

As more studies show a correlation between reading and career and financial success, unlocking access to a wide range of digital magazines has become popular around the globe. Magzter’s top markets are Europe, the U.K., the U.S., India, South Africa, Singapore, and Australia. However, it is also gaining traction in countries like Mexico and Turkey. The platform’s reach has enabled more readers to access news and information from international sources.

And Magzter has made the process of discovering new articles even easier in the latest 8.0 version of the platform. The update includes a curated homepage with content tailored to the reader. If someone is interested in financial content, that’s what they’ll see when they open Magzter.

“If you start reading a magazine, based on what you read, we recommend other magazines,” Radhakrishnan said. “You will start finding more relevant content based on what you enjoy. And all this is categorized and curated on the homepage.”

Intuitive navigation, searching, and browsing Magzter can help readers access new information and discover new options for advancing their careers, improving their personal finances, educating themselves, or just having fun. Whatever their motivation, every reader can find a world of opportunities to improve their lives — intellectually and financially.

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