Check Out This AI-Enabled App If You Need a Boost to Fix Your Credit Score and Achieve Your Financial Goals

An Ai Engine That Builds Fixes And Monitors Credit Scores

In a Nutshell: Technology has now gotten us to the point where machines can perform some of our cognitive work. That’s a good thing for busy folks who maybe don’t have the credit score to get them to where they want to be financially. The brain inside the new Dovly app not only looks at the details of your credit report to identify and fix inaccuracies, it analyzes your credit history to recommend personalized strategies to boost your numbers. Users who turn Dovly’s AI expertise into action report an 82-point credit score boost.

Artificial intelligence is more than a watchword as we venture into 2025 — it’s suddenly a daily companion nearly everywhere you turn, including places where it probably should not be.

Fortunately, the up-and-coming Dovly app is not one of those places. On the contrary, Dovly is evolving into an application that puts AI to what we think is one of its best possible uses: sorting through the details.

More specifically, Dovly uses machine learning to analyze your credit history, which is the record of your transactions with lenders that the three major U.S. credit bureausEquifax, Experian, and TransUnion — use to calculate your credit score.

Dovly logo

Dovly fixes errors on your credit reports from the bureaus (which are more common than you may realize) and helps you build and maintain an excellent credit score so you can have more of the things you need and want.

All of that without requiring you to spend hours and hours picking through your past or dealing with potentially unscrupulous credit repair agencies concerned only with the bottom line. That’s great news for busy consumers and households with limited time to plan and achieve their financial goals.

If you know where you want to go financially but struggle with execution, you need an AI assistant to help you get you there. Dovly — available in a free version and a paid version with enhanced computational powers — fills that role admirably.

“We have different competitors in different aspects of what we do, but there’s nobody who does everything in one app,” said CEO and Co-Founder Nirit Rubenstein. “Over 40,000 five-star reviews on Google Play and the App Store tell us we’re moving in the right direction.”

An Easier Way to Improve Your Credit Score

The big news on the credit score front in 2024 was that the average score began to decline after decades of steady improvement. That seemingly modest downturn points to a bigger story, which is that Americans collectively hold $17.94 trillion in credit card debt as of late 2024.

That astronomical number has steadily increased since the pandemic, signaling that although Americans may trust the economy to provide for them in the future, they may not have enough money to pay for today. Unfortunately, we expect to write a story soon about total credit card debt topping $18 trillion.

Nirit Rubenstein
Nirit Rubenstein is Dovly’s CEO and Co-Founder.

To cite another number, more than 1 million users have used the Dovly app to buck that tide. For users new to credit, Dovly provides tips and tools to help you amass a good score quickly.

Users with established credit scores in need of improvement marshall Dovly’s smarts to optimize their financial habits. And when you’re where you want to be with a credit score in the high 700s or 800s, Dovly is there with monitoring tools to advise you when unauthorized activity threatens it.

“Our goal is to make credit accessible — and really kind of fun — regardless of where you are in your credit journey,” Rubenstein said.

The key to machine learning is the learning part. As Dovly grows, so does the financial data it has at its disposal. As Dovly moves into the world of generative AI, the team can create more prescriptive ways to meet user needs.

“Our chatbot, which we call Hope, will help you and guide you,” Rubenstein said. “Wherever you are in your journey, we’re going to create things that are specific to your needs.”

All-in-One Approach Provides Personalized Solution

A lower credit score — say, in the 500s or 600s — indicates you’ve had past difficulties paying creditors on time and results in high interest rates and unfavorable terms. An excellent score in the 700s or 800s, on the other hand, tells lenders they can trust you with their best deals. That means access to lower-cost credit and all the benefits it brings.

Dovly home screen
Dovly’s AI finds the best way to reach your financial goals.

To move into that rarified upper-700 range, Dovly asks users to outline their goals and timelines up front and requests a copy of their credit report (known as “pulling” your credit report).

“Then we build you a custom plan that incorporates everything, including your credit, to help you get to wherever it is you’re trying to go in the fastest way possible,” Rubenstein said.

To us, that sounds better than reviewing our credit reports manually. To see for yourself, go to and download one or all of your reports. In our experience, credit reports range from mild to major complexity with no room for simplicity.

Although you technically may not need outside help to understand your reports, resolve error disputes, and devise strategies to improve your score, Dovly takes those burdens on free of charge while you reap the benefits.

Rubenstein said it’s about making credit less taboo. Dovly’s AI helps consumers understand their place in the credit system, its flaws, and how to overcome them.

“When no one teaches you how to handle your credit, you go out into the real world and start making mistakes,” Rubenstein said. “We’re trying to make credit management feel less intimidating and more accessible.”

Boosting Scores by 10 Million Points — and Counting

Rubenstein said the flaws in the system are significant enough to impact people’s financial future in ways they may not have the resources to anticipate. For example, a student new to college may accept a credit card offer, run up a few charges, and forget the whole thing.

Sure, it’s an oversight. But five or six years down the road when it comes time to purchase a home, that neglected account may significantly increase the former student’s mortgage rate.

Or, consider a divorced couple where one party follows responsible financial habits and the other doesn’t. Depending on the details, one spouse’s low credit score can torment the other for years.

People either need to stay on their toes to catch themselves before they make a mistake or ask Dovly to do it for them, Rubenstein said.

“The difference between a poor and good credit score can mean $200,000 over 30 years,” Rubenstein said. “There just wasn’t a product out there that put the consumer at the heart as Dovly does.”

The result is a product that has increased its users’ combined credit scores by more than 10 million points. Users of the free version of the product report a 34-point increase after six months. Users of the paid product report an increase of 82 points.

While credit reports from the bureaus are anything but simple, Dovly keeps simplicity and the customer experience at the forefront to ensure the product evolves to meet user expectations. Ongoing customer feedback and surveys inform the team.

As for what’s ahead, Dovly plans to expand beyond credit and become a financial companion to help you with anything money-related. That means keeping experienced users engaged and new users flocking to the product.

“There’s no reason in the world why every American shouldn’t have Dovly,” Rubenstein said.