Your credit score can make you feel one of two ways — satisfied or scared. If your credit score is sufficiently high enough to get the mortgage rate you want, the job you’ve interviewed for, or the credit card you most desire, you might not really think much about your score. However, anyone in the range of fair to poor credit knows that it can be a haunting number.
A few missed bills, an unforeseen medical expense, or even something as simple as never building credit history in the first place can leave you with far fewer options than those in the 700+ range of credit scores. Slipping below that number can leave you feeling scared that your finances are coming undone and you’re losing control. But in an office building in South Florida, Jim Kemish works hard to keep his staff motivated and focused on the company’s end goal — to put people back in control of their credit.
“We want to make sure every caller feels that there’s hope regardless of their situation,” Jim said. “So we ask ourselves ‘What is the right thing to do?’ for every customer.”
Sky Blue’s “special sauce” is simple — provide transparent pricing, go the extra mile with due diligence, deliver genuine value, and provide a no-strings-attached money-back guarantee.
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