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Your money habits as a teen set the precedent for how you handle your finances as an adult. That means, as a teen, this is the time to learn about saving and investing. Prepare yourself now to have a cushy retirement later. But how can you do that?
These 10 blogs understand that money has a history of being a boring topic, so they make it interesting and engaging. There are no better resources out there to help you take the first steps toward financial literacy.

At Khan Academy, you can learn anything. Among their hundreds of free lessons, they cover economics and finance. You can go at your own pace as you delve into micro- or macroeconomics, or you can learn a thing or two about capital markets and entrepreneurship. With more than 100,000 interactive exercises, they’ll make sure you know your stuff – at least when it comes to the stuff you want to know.
Social Clout: 848,140+ Facebook likes; 332,320+ Twitter followers
Twitter Handle: @khanacademy
URL: khanacademy.org

Founded in 1995 and now an organization of more than 150 national partner organizations, the Jump$tart Coalition has the resources to teach you financial literacy. Their goal is to work collaboratively toward an effective financial education because they know there is always more you could learn. You can make sure you’re prepared to manage your money and make the most of it with their help.
Social Clout: 1,215+ Facebook likes; 2,505+ Twitter followers
Twitter Handle: @NatlJumpStart
URL: jumpstart.org

The folks at Money Instructor recognize that many young people graduate without a basic understanding of money, business and the economy. Their goal is to help teach teens these skills while reinforcing the knowledge they’ve already been taught. With interactive lessons, informative articles and useful links, they make personal finance skills interesting and engaging.
Social Clout: 60+ Facebook likes; 75+ Twitter followers
Twitter Handle: @moneyinstructor
URL: moneyinstructor.com

Biz Kids is an award-winning TV series about money and business. They blend entertainment and education by teaching financial literacy and entrepreneurship through profiles of real people, sketch comedy and cartoons. On their site, they have handy resources, a thorough blog, discussion forums and even games for you to play as you get a hang of the concepts they discuss. They make learning about money fun!
Social Clout: 2,095+ Facebook likes; 505+ Twitter followers
Twitter Handle: @BizKidsTV
URL: bizkids.com

Presented by Northwestern Mutual, The Mint “makes perfect cents” as a tool for figuring out finances. They understand whatever your plan in life is, you’ll need money know-how to make it happen. They thoroughly cover everything you could want to know, from earning and saving, to investing and safeguarding. This resource will make sure you’re prepared for the real world – at least when it comes to money.
Social Clout: 53,985+ Facebook likes; 8,175+ Twitter followers
Twitter Handle: @nm_news
URL: themint.org

As part of the University of California Cooperative Extension, Money Talks offers guides to financial literacy in both English and Spanish for teens who want to establish money management skills. Their guides offer comprehensive insight into banking, charging and working that cover all facets of finances. If you prefer more interaction, they also offer videos and games to teach you what you need to know.
Social Clout: 1,885+ Facebook likes; 2,630+ Twitter followers
Twitter Handle: @ucanr
URL: moneytalks4teens.ucdavis.edu

Since a fool and his money are soon parted, Karen wants to teach you to be a finance freak instead. She shows you how to make the most of your money by going in depth into the principles of banking, the math behind money, the thought behind credit ratings and so much more. There’s even a nifty financial calculator to help you figure out the possibilities that could lead to a very rich future. Get your finance freak on!
Social Clout: 920+ Facebook likes; 5+ Twitter followers
Twitter Handle: @CoolmathKaren
URL: financefreak.com

Brought to you by the AICPA, Feed the Pig helps you set goals for yourself that you can work toward as you fast track financial future. They cover topics all across the financial spectrum from managing your money to mastering your debt. They even offer the most fun fitness challenge you could ever take – four weeks to financial fitness! Benjamin Bankes, their oinking sage of savings, is here to help you feed your pig(gy bank).
Social Clout: 45,165+ Facebook likes; 7,515+ Twitter followers
Twitter Handle: @feedthepig
URL: feedthepig.org

The folks at HCFU in Tucson, Arizona, know money and care about your financial education, dedicating a section of their site to teaching you money management skills. They have several tips and tools to help you along the way, as well as offer insight into getting a part-time job, making a budget and saving your money. They cater their content to only include the things you’re really interested in.
Social Clout: 11,155+ Facebook likes; 1,130+ Twitter followers
Twitter Handle: @hughesfcu

Financial Entertainment is home to a variety of free online and mobile games designed to improve your financial capability and knowledge. They have provided more than 90,000 hours of free financial education with games like Bite Club, where you save for retirement while running a vampire nightclub, and Celebrity Calamity, which has you manage celebrity credit cards and spending. Education, meet entertainment.
Social Clout: 220+ Twitter followers
Twitter Handle: @D2DFE
Photo sources: facebook.com, twitter.com, huffingtonpost.com